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"Better support for the victims of crime"

June 26, 2014

The Project Team to Promote Enhanced Protection and Support for the Victims of Crime (Chairman: Yasufumi Tanahashi, member of the House of Representatives), a subsidiary organization of the LDP's Research Commission on the Judicial System, met on June 26 to conduct hearings with the National Police Agency and the Ministry of Justice on the status of support systems for crime victims and others.

The National Police Agency explained expansions to the exceptions for payment of benefits in the case of crimes involving family members.

Benefits are currently paid when protection orders are issued under the Domestic Violence Act regarding crimes that involve married couples, blood relatives, and siblings. They are also paid in other exceptional circumstances.

The topic currently under study is whether benefits can also be paid to the victims of child abuse, elderly abuse, and disabled abuse.

In light of current home-life circumstances, the p team is also studying the potential payment of benefits in the case of crimes that involve siblings living in separate locations.

The Ministry of Justice reported on a discussion session on the Code of Criminal Procedure.

"We want to proactively verify an expansion of support for innocent crime victims," said Chairman Tanahashi.

The project team is scheduled to vigorously debate these issues going forward.

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